
Documentation for NonstationaryProcessesBase.


A dictionary containing brief descriptions of each Process field:.

  • process: A Function with a method for Process types that performs a particular simulation. See NonstationaryProcesses.jl for examples.
  • parameter_profile: A tuple of Functions that describe how each parameter of a system evolves over time. These can be functions, or curried functions of parameters given in :parameter_profile_parameters. See e.g. constantParameter, Discontinuous
  • parameter_profile_parameters: A tuple of parameters (which may also be tuples) for each :parameter_profile
  • X0: The initial conditions, given as a vector equal in length to number of variables in the system
  • t0: The initial time of the simulation, at which the system has the state :X0
  • transient_t0: The length of time to simulate the system, from the initial conditions :X0 at :t0, that is discarded when retrieving the timeseries
  • dt: The time step of the simulation and solver
  • savedt: The sampling period of the solution's timeseries, which must be a multiple of :dt
  • tmax: The final time point of the simulation. The duration of the simulation is then :tmax - :transient_t0, and the duration of the returned time series is :tmax - :t0. See times
  • alg: The algorithm used to solve DifferentialEquations.jl processes. See, for example, a list of ODE solvers
  • solver_opts: A dictionary of additional options passed to the :alg. This can include solver tolerances, adaptive timesteps, or the maximum number of iterations. See the common solver options
  • solver_rng: An integer seed for the random number generator, set to a random number by default
  • id: A unique integer ID for a given Process
  • date: The date at which the Process was created
  • solution: The solution of the simulation in its native format (e.g. an ODE solution)
  • varnames: Dummy names for the variables of a Process, defaulting to [:x, :y, :z, ...]

A type that contains a discontinuous function and an index of any of its discontinuities. This allows the construction of step parameter profiles that retain discontinuity information. You can also call the Discontinuous` type like a normal function, if you want to.

Process(; process=nothing, process_kwargs...)

Define a Process that simulates a given system, specified by process::Function, and any simulation parameters (including control parameters, sampling parameters, solver parameters, and some metadata like the date and a simulation ID). For a complete list of process_kwargs, see the fieldguide. A Process can also be used to create other Processes using the syntax S = (P::Process)(;process_kwargs...), which will first copy P then update any fields given in process_kwargs

parameterseries(P::Process; p=nothing, times_kwargs...)

Return the profiles of a Process as parameter values at time indices given by times. p specified the indices of the parameters to return (e.g. 1 or [2, 3]). If p is a vector, the values will be returned in an nₚ×nₜ matrix.

tuplef2ftuple(f::Tuple{Function}, params::Tuple)

Convert a vector of curried functions f that each accept an element of the parameter tuple params into a function of the form f(t) -> x::Vector, where xᵢ = fᵢ(paramsᵢ)(t) for i = 1:length(f)

updateparam(P::Process, p::Integer, profile::Function)
updateparam(P, p, value::Union{Number, Tuple, Vector})
updateparam(P, p, profile, value)

Copy a Process with a new set of :parameter_profiles and :parameter_profile_parameters. p is an integer specifying which parameter to update, profile is the new profile, and value contains the new :parameter_profile_parameters.
